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Mar 3rd 2023
Thread: Unfortunately in the Tamil Vs Hindi/Sanskrit debate the work of the 18 Siddhas hasn’t received much attention! The Siddhas were experts in Jnana, Aushadha, Alchemy, Astrology, Tantra and Yoga. They worked tirelessly and mystically to benefit humanity. Here is about them+
#Agasthiyar is the pradhana Siddha. Credited with first Tamil grammar compilation: Agathiyam. Deep yogic practices and medicinal system given by him. Directly initiated by Shiva Peruman. He initiated Mahavatar Babaji in Kutralam
#Thirumoolar wrote the Thirumandiram which is an unparalleled work on Yoga with 3000 verss. Did Parakaya pravesha on a cow-herd named moolan and meditated. Blessed by Shiva Peruman to carry fwd his teachings. Samadhi in Chidambaram
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