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Dec 1st 2021
You: "I remember when I told my mama. She started hollering and fell on the floor crying for Jesus."
Me: *raising eyebrows*
You: "I was like, 'Mama! Calm your ass down!'"


You: "But I get it. She was going on stuff she heard about HIV."
Me: *listening*
You: "You woulda thought I was about to die right then and there the way she was carrying on."
Me: "Dang."
You: "She started talking in this somber ass voice like a old spiritual. Talking 'bout 'I'm heeeere for you, baby. Until the end.' I was like, 'The END?'"

Me: "Had your mama seen somebody die from complications of AIDS?"
You: "No. She just got a porch to stand on." *shaking head* "I remember my neighbor sayin, 'That boy a yours gon' get the AIDS!' And my mama saying, 'Don't speak that curse over his life!'"

You sighed.
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