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Translation of Interview with Twisted Wonderland Creator Toboso Yana, March, 2023 (part 2/2)

This interview can be viewed in its original form in the App store:…

(thank you so much to #kyuberei004 for initial discovery and the link!)
*Disclaimer: This is a fan translation and is not endorsed by anyone associated with Twst.

Speaking on Yana's behalf makes me very nervous so I am very careful (and hire a professional proofreader for projects like this), but results may vary! Thank you for your understanding!
An original culture woven into costume

An element of Twisted Wonderland that has had the most heart poured into it is the costume design.

Toboso Yana explains the struggles behind creating entirely unique designs meant to reinterpret the worlds of the movies upon which--
Read 29 tweets
Translation of Interview with Twisted Wonderland Creator Toboso Yana, March, 2023 (part 1/2)

This interview can be viewed in its original form in the App store:…

(thank you so much to #kyuberei004 for initial discovery and the link!)
*Disclaimer: This is a fan translation and is not endorsed by anyone associated with Twst.

Speaking on Yana's behalf makes me very nervous so I am very careful (and hire a professional proofreader for projects like this), but results may vary! Thank you for your understanding!
The Passion of Toboso Yana, the Creator of the Game’s Concept and Characters

Where did the inspiration for the world and characters of "Disney's Twisted Wonderland" come from?

The person who painstakingly took care of every creative element and--
Read 26 tweets

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