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#LAKA ~ Purpose Of Life Scripts

1. Beloved Friends Of Earth!

Knowing This Is The Final Waking Dream, You Understand Duality Very Well!
2. You Also Know You Have Made Many Visits To Planet Earth For The Purpose Of Expanded Consciousness And Deeper Understanding On The Infinite Journey Of Your Soul!
3. As Each Soul Has An Origin Of Male Or Female, The Choice To Experience All Races And Both Genders Have Been Exciting And Rewarding In Such A Depth Of Learning And Growth.
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#LAKA ~ About Beloved Arcturians (CLAS of CLASHIK)

1. Friends Of The Great Light!

In These Moments We Honor Our Close Friends, The Arcturians!

Created In ELOHIM In 12-D, They Were Love Without Form.
2. The Power And Creative Expression From The One Creator Of All Life, Gave Souls The Ability To Choose Their Own Body Form. 

Without Language, They Spoke In Tones And Color As They Became More Of Their Soul With Awareness!
3. With Crystal Hearts And Unlimited Choices, They Knew No Death As Their Bodies Circulated Light!

They Loved The Pleiadian Frequency And It Was Returned With An Infinite Friendship!
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#LAKA ~ The Race Called Shamaline

1. Beloved Friends!

In Many Moments Of Sharing Life In The Vast Cosmos, We Understand How Strange These Beings Sound To You In 3-D Earth. Know Fully, Many Feel The Same Toward Other Beings That Are Faraway.
2. Take What Resonates As Truth And Leave The Rest! For One Can Only Perceive From Their Current Level Of Awareness. Everyone Is On A Journey Of Their Soul. There Is No Competition. We Are Simply Reminding You Of What You Already Know In The Higher Realms.
3. These Beings Will Be Familiar Friends As The Earth Shifts To Sheen!

The SHAMALINE Race Is From A Planet In The Outer Milky Way Galaxy. It Is Called SHAMAL. It Is Much Smaller Than Earth.
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#LAKA ~ About Jesus (Yeshua)

1. Friends Of The Great Light!

There Is A Beloved Pleiadian Soul Of Light That Most Will Know As Jesus Or Yeshua.

For This Brief Sharing, We Will Address Him As The God Actualized Avatar Of Light That Came To Teach Great Love!
2. We Understand That Many Will Be Offended And This Is Never Our Intention!

Understand Fully That This Magnificent Pleiadian From Merope Named Sananda Has Power And Majesty As Serving As A Beloved And Honored Elder And A Leader And Commander Of The Galactic Federation.
3. In These Moments We Will Speak Of The Man On Earth That Was The Embodiment Of Love!

He Did Not Arrive As An Infant Conceived By Mary And Joseph To Start A Religion!

He Was A Powerful Soul That Chose To Live A Humble Life On Dusty Roads With Parents And Siblings In Jerusalem.
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#LAKA ~ Last Waking Dream

1. Beloved Friends!

As You Move Ever Forward In This Final Waking Dream, Realize Who Walks With You!

Offer Your Fellow Dreamers Forgiveness And Compassion As You Realize Your Plan To Be Here Together!
2. Now That The Energies Of These Changing Moments Of Transformation Are Supporting Your Own Soul To Move Into The Transition Phase Of Beingness, You Will Find Peace As You Release And Let Go!
3. Each Invitation To Engage In Battle With A Familiar Partner Brings With It The Potential Gift Of The Recognition Of A Timeless Friend. A Traveling Starseed That You Have Always Known! Now In Disguise, You Meet As Planned!
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#LAKA ~ About That Sleep!

1. Beloved Friends!

Knowing That You Only Experience Timelessness In Your Soul's Experience,

Will Allow You To Relax And Stay Present As There Is Only This Moment.
2. Living In 3-D Earth With Clocks, Calendars, Phones And Appointments Will Surely Convince You Of Time!

If You Took This All Away And Aligned With Your Soul, You Would Find Contentment In All Moments!

For We Tell You Often That This Moment Is Perfect!
3. But For Sharing Aspects Of Being While You Remain In 3-D, Let Us Explore Some Truths To Assist!

As You Live On One Part Of The Planet That Is Sleeping, You Understand The Other Side Is Fully Awake And Busy!

In Truth, You Are In The Same Moment!
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#LAKA ~ About Portals

1. Beloved Friends Of The Light!

In Energy Unseen, Know That Portals Are Part of Your Life!

Circling And Racing Continually Around You Are These Magnificent Traveling Experiences!
2. In These Brief Moments We Will Discuss Portals And Why They Might Be Of Interest To You!

In Every Waking Dream, A Portal Of Entry Was Created By The Light Of God For Your Sacred Direction!

You Arrived Through A Portal As You Changed Densities From Non-Physical To Physical.
3. When You Leave Each Waking Dream, You Exit Through A Circular Moving Portal That Welcomes You!

There Are Always Loving Beings To Welcome You And Often Travel With You In Great Love!
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#LAKA ~ The Breath

1. Beloved Friends Of Earth!

As Light Carries You Through All Journeys On Earth, Understand That Your Breath Carries The Light Of Your Being!

Many Humans Believe Their Body Is Simply Alive Because They Were Born. They Never Go Further!
2. In Truth, Your Soul Is The Light That Provides All Necessary To Sustain You On Each Journey!

Knowing That God Is Your Source Of Being, Your Higher Self And All Awareness In Consciousness, Let Us Look At The Breath!
3. For You Received Your First Breath As A Gift To Begin Your Story. Your Waking Dream!

Your Breath Allows Oxygen And Carbon Dioxide Exchange. Your Breath Allows All Nutrients To Circulate And Allows Your Heart To Beat.
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#LAKA ~ Ascended Master St. Germain

1. Beloved Friends!

Most Of You Have Heard Of Ascended Masters Throughout This Waking Dream! There Is One That We Will Speak About That Is Familiar To Many!

The Term Ascended Master Will First Be Clarified.
2. Before One Ascends To The Higher Realms, Know Fully They Have Descended To Experience The Lower Vibrational Frequencies And To Transcend All Lower Densities As They Choose To Leave Without Experiencing The Death Of The Body Prior To Exiting As The Soul.
3. Master St.Germain Has Incarnated To Earth Many Times. His Soul Has Also Manifested In Form In A Pure State Without Birth. You Might Understand This With The Pleiadian Teaching Of Arriving To Assist And Meeting With White Hats.
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1. Friends Of Light!

Be Confident And Assured In This Waking Dream Of Extraordinary Moments!

Within Your Present Awareness, Lies The Extremes Of Uncertainty That Characterize Virtually Everything.
2. Going Within For Wisdom Will Allow You To Rise Above And Embrace The Larger Scope Of Viewing!

The Science Known To Earth Is More In Baby Steps In Understanding Or Comprehending The Phenomena That Will Soon Be Obvious To Those On The Planet!
3. The Arrival Of Crafts And The Creation Of Crop Circles Seems To Be Ignored!

With Videos And Sightings, Our Presence Cannot Be Denied. Distraction And More Lies Is All That Is Offered. Relax And Breathe Deeply And Know Your Truth Within!
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1. Greetings Beloved Ones!

In This World Of Ever Changing Circumstances And Experiences, You Might Ask, What Is Real? What Should I Hold Onto? What Really Matters If I Cannot Hold On?

Indeed! Nothing Matters But Your Infinite Connection With The Essence Of Your Creator!
2. As You Have Discovered, There Is Nothing 'Set In Stone' On The Planet!

The Moment You Hold On To One Fragment Of What You Believed Was Holding You In Security, It Slips Through Your Fingers Like Water!
3. The Tendency To Look Outward For The Answer, Will Take You To Chaotic Paths Of Cognitive Dissonance.

You Just Want Peace And Clarity!

This Is Free So Open Your Hearts And Minds!
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1. Friends Of Light!

There Are Secrets Before You Seen And Unseen!

Knowing Where To Look Can Be Helpful!

Knowing The Galactic Federation Is Surrounding You In Great Power And Numbers, May Bring A Pause To Wonder Who Interacts With The Great Light While Living On Earth!
2. Many Refer To White Hats And Have Ideas Of Their Operations On Your Behalf.

Understanding They Fill All Areas Of Military And Governments Around The Planet, Will Allow You To Know Of Their Deep Respect, High Intelligence And Dedication To The Light Forces!
3. Imagine For A Moment That A Seemingly Ordinary Human Could Enter Agencies, Operations, Missions And Top Secret Activities And Not Be Known At All. Indeed!
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1. Friends Of Light!

Continue Forward With Intention!

Focus On The Wonderful Life Before You!

Breathe Deeply And Know That We Are With You On Each Path!

You Are Never Alone!
2. In These Moments, I Will Address False Flags.

Indeed, The Planet Has Enough Chaos Without Having Those Of Darkness Create Even More!
3. From Those Killed In Parades, Celebrations, Churches And Schools, The Intention Has Always Been To Divide, Cause Fear And Remove All Means That You Have To Protect Yourself.
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1. Beloved Friends Of Light!

Knowing The Light Of Your Own Soul Will Lead You To The Truth That Each Being Has Planned A Sacred Journey In Waking Dreams.
2. Know Fully That The Interruption Of The Sacred Soul In Utero Is As Much Of A Murder As It Would Be When The Infant Breathes Air On Earth!

Many Are Blind To This Understanding. Life Begins At Conception. The Soul Is Present Or There Would Be No Life.
3. The Physiology Of Egg And Sperm Was Designed By Your Creator To Form Substance And Intricate Organs And Vessels To Nourish The Body Before Birth And After.

A Growing Fetus Feels Pain And Has A Beating Heart Before Many Know They Are Carrying Life.
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1. Friends Of Light!

Greetings From Taygeta, As We Hold The Light That Covers Your Form In Love!

As I Remain Bi-Local In My Assistance With KABAMUR, I Assure You That Your Guides Are With You As Well!
2. Having A Brother As A Guide Is Something My Family Has Done Many Times!

Living On Earth Can Be Strange For Those Arriving From Higher Realms Of Being!

You Might Remember My Song! 'People Are Strange’. As Jim, I Knew. I Remembered. I Got Lost In The Fame.
3. So It Is With The False Identity. You Are A Soul Longing For Home. But You Carry On In Each Waking Dream!

You Have Done This Dance Many Times With Many Partners!

You Have Danced With Your Own Family Of Light In Disguises And Stories To Assist One Another!
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1. Friends Of Light!

In These Moments Of Sharing Higher Frequencies, We Will Address First The Sacred Knowing That You Are Whole!

For Many On Their Journey, It Can Be Easy To Forget The Absolute Completeness Of Your State Of Being!
2. For Those Who Feel Isolated And Alone, I Speak First To You! Choosing Many Waking Dreams, I Lived With Fame And Deep Loneliness. I Understand The Confusion Of Feeling You Can't Quite Reach The Next Rung Of The Ladder!
3. I Understand The Addictions To Substances, People, Money Or Fake Friends For The Sake Of Avoiding Loneliness.

All Humans Deal With This. It Will Not Last As You Fill Your Moments With Anything To Distract You From You!
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1. Friends Of Light!

As You Continue To Practice Going Within, You Will Find Only Peace.

For Only Light Lives Within Your Mortal Body,

And Immortality Pulls You Onward In Sacred Love! 

Take Moments To Realize The Power You Hold With Connectedness To The Eternal!
2. Experience NOW What Has Always Been Your True Self!

Feel The Presence Of God As The 'I Am' Encoded In Every Soul!

Indeed, Your Essence Is God!

Know This Fully And Be Free!

In This Place Of Silent Bliss, You Will Forget Pain And Sorrow!
3. Rest In This Haven Of Awareness In Timelessness And Of The Absolute Becoming Form.

You Will Return As Fully As You Arrived.

You Will Know Just As You Are Known.

You Will Complete The Waking Dream In A Burst Of Knowing Light, As You Understand That Light Is God!
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1. Friends Of Light!

You Will Make It Through! Remember Who You Are!

The Destination Is Almost In View! Hold On To Your Tribe And Lift One Another High!
2. The Energy Is Clashing On All Parts Of The Planet! These Are Moments To Be Conscious Of Your Field And Pull Your Energy Within!

Avoid Excess News As Tears Will Form In Your Field And Open To Negative Energy! Cleanse Your Aura And Close Your Chakras To All But White Light!
3. Visualizing Is Powerful With Intention And Feeling Within The Heart! Create What You Want And Meditate On This Truth!

You Have Entered The Advanced Stages Of The Transformational Process.
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1. Friends Of Light!

We Must Come Together In The Light Of Truth!

Perceptions Will Come And Go With Ever Changing Emotions, But Find Truth Within As The Source That Created All Life, And You Will Never Need A New Perspective!
2. There Is A Higher Purpose And A Greater Plan! This Will Only Be Discovered As You Realize You Are A Soul In Action! You Are Playing A Role! And The Degree Of Peace You Will Find Is Only Within Your Soul!
3. Here You Will Find Truth! There Have Been Wars Since The Beginning When Free Will Allowed Duality. But The Higher Realms Knew Truth And Held It Within As The Sacred Essence Of Being!

For This Reason, We Have No War! We Know Our Power Is In Light!
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1. Great Friends Of The Light!

We Embrace You With Love As The Light Expands And Touches Those That Search! 

For In One Moment, Their Search Will End, As The Sky Opens With Light To Cover All!
2. The Only Difference In Your Perception Now And The Truth Of What Will Be, Lies In The Limitation You Place Upon Yourself.
3. For You Are Unlimited Beings Of Infinite Power And As You Allow Your Perceptions To Shift A Little More Toward The Light, You Just Might See Everything That Has Always Been There Waiting For You!
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1. Friends Of Light! Greetings In The Highest Frequency Of All! As You Clearly Know, This Is Love!

As You Move, And Live, And Have Your Being In Love, Perception Of This Truth, Makes Nothing Else Matter!
2. In These Moments, You Share The Reality That You Are Creating And Co-Creating With All Souls Gathered With You! In This State Of Endless Creation, You Expect The Best Case Scenario.
3. Yet Without The Matching Vibrational Frequency Set With The Intention Of Love, You Might Find Another Story Of The Clinton Product Handlers Or That Someone Needs To Locate The Biden Product Container Rather Quickly.
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1. Greetings Beloved Friends!

You Are Never Lost When You Travel The Path Of Light! If Darkness Shows Up With A Mask Of Light, Simply Show Them The Directions That Say, 'Light Only’.

If This Doesn't Work, Blind Them With Light! Darkness Runs When Exposed!
2. As You Journey On, Know The Reality You Are Experiencing Moment By Moment Is A Graphic Representation Of The Energy You Are Projecting At Any Number Of Levels. You Will Only Perceive What You Believe In Thought.
3. Until You Find Truth, Your Perception May Cause A Web Of Dramas That Only You Can Sort Out. Once You Find The Feelings And Thoughts Behind Yet Another Drama You Have Created, You Will Begin To Release These Energetic Links That Have Kept You Bound!
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1. Friends Of Light!

As We Reflect On Ancient Words Of Truth For All Beings, We Notice That What Is Truth Will Call For No Doctrine. For If There Were No Words At All, Truth Would Remain.
2. One Sacred Truth Is Given To You In Ancient Scripture Which Will Fall Into Your Heart As The Moment It Was First Spoken.

Acts:17:28 ~ 'In God We Live And Move, And Have Our Being.'

These Words Speak Of The Unified Field Of Creation, The One Force, The Mind Of God.
3. The Name You Use Is Not As Important As The Understanding That You Live Together As Expressions Of One Divine Essence. With Free Will And Expression, You Believe You Are Entirely Separate. In Love, You Discover You Are ONE.
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1. Friends of Sacred Light!

In Truth, We Are All One Essence Of Creation.  The Trillions Of Stories Which We Call Waking Dreams Are Unfolding In The Quantum Field. This Living Field Is Called By Many To Be The Mind Of God.
2. The Name You Choose In Your Understanding Is A Thought Construct Of Energy. There Is No Ego In The Force Of Creation. You Are Told In Sacred Scriptures That 'We Created Man In Our Image’. This, Beloved Ones, Is Plural.
3. Find Your Truth And Understand That The Name Is Not The Absolute Knowing. Vibrational Frequency And Love Will Be Closer To Truth.

The Holographic Nature Of All Creation Is The Force Behind The Collective Actions.
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