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Sep 1st 2021
RIVERSIDE California shelter
🤍Meet: Barley #A1638503. Our hearts broke when we met Barley. His owner left him at the shelter 8/25 & never looked back. Barley sits in his kennel & cries. Please share him for reputable rescue or loving PERMANENT adoptive home.
I am a neutered male, 103.00 lbs, black and tan German Shepherd Dog.
I am estimated to be about 6 years old.
I have been at the shelter since 08/25/2021…

Email 📧: or
Phone ☎️: 951-358-7387

Rescue desk:
Email 📧:

Shelter address 🏢: 6851 Van Buren Boulevard
Riverside, California 92509
Monday - Saturday 10-4pm
Open to the public from 1-3:30pm

Adoption fees are based on length of stay:
✔️ 1-15 days $105
✔️ 16-30 days $55
✔️ Over 30 days $20
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