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Jul 4th 2019
@Love_DA || really inspiring presentation on how LCT dimensions have informed curriculum design #LCT3
Specialistion to analyse what’s valued and identify knowledge and knower structures and codes, identifying a need to cultivate knowers while also building knowledge #LCT3
Autonomy to identify the target of curriculum - designing movements across the 4 codes, using gamification (exotic), course content embedded in challenges (shifts to interjected and then sovereign code), and finally transferring knowledge to other contexts (projected) 👍 #LCT3
Read 5 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
Clarence || discussing how developing an argument is about connecting things and taking a position so it’s necessary to know what you mean in relation to all other meanings that you’re connecting an argument to - and how we might do this #LCT3
Clarence || great way to visually and tacitly introduce Semantics to mediate between levels of abstraction #LCT3
Clarence || ...and even cooler is distinguishing between content and research process in a similar visual way... #LCT3
Read 10 tweets
Jul 2nd 2019
#LCT3...Semantics generating waves...
#LCT3... Autonomy focusing on movements and changes in relations between target content and target purpose...
#LCT3... Specialisation to explore the basis of achievement...
Read 3 tweets

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