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Mar 24th 2021
Good morning, day 2! I am in a moderate amount of pain but my brain is still pumping out happy juice by the bucket. ♥️

Nothing to add so far, but stay tuned. #CassSRS

If you want to catch up, click below! I hope it's fun and informative 🥰

Postin' time! Woke up to turn Lily off (we fell asleep together on video call ♥️) and realised it was ivabx time so I stayed awake and waited for the nurse. She came and attached the bits and did my blood pressure - 85/something (been above 125 systolic all day).
This could be a few things but the immediate concern is a bleed. She's had a look, checked the drain, checked the character and it seems fine. Our theory is I had a truckload of opiates today and the last one, oramorph, is just wearing off and I'm not compensating quickly.
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