the cass ✨ Profile picture
futch icon • healthcare ☭worker☭ • ex student nurse • educator • cat mum • tortoise dad • hot takes not reflective of my employers • they/them
Apr 17, 2021 24 tweets 4 min read
Wanna know a secret?

The medical professionals who look after trans people don't actually know much at all about trans health, anatomy or development. "finasteride/blockers won't bring back androgenic alopecia" that clearly untrue belief lost me my hair permanently.

"Trans fem periods don't exist" okay but they do

"Progesterone gives no real mood/developmental/cardiovascular/sleep benefits" yes but it does
Apr 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
So who else is a 25ish year old trans girl who got through adolescence by living vicariously through Valkyrie from the Skulduggery Pleasant books? It can't just be me. She has big egg magnet energy. Okay so I think we're seeing a pattern here, does @DerekLandy know how many nice young boys he turned into e-girls??? This is clearly on you.
Apr 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Hey @NHSEngland don't bother with the review group, I can tell you exactly what you need to do right now :) 1) Bar Tavi from trans services. They consistently demonstrate they are way out of their depth.
2) GIDS does not need ~60 therapists with just a handful of doctors. The only reason you need that kind of staffing is if your primary objective is to convert trans children into cis.
Mar 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
If you care about trans people, PLEASE tell your friends and family what's going on.

Most people in this country support trans people's right to be healthy and happy, but at the moment a small number of bad actors control our lives. It doesn't have to be this way. This can easily be fixed. GPs are prohibited from prescribing us common treatments that cis patients get every day. Gender Identity Clinics, the main bottleneck for our care, do nothing except rule out another cause of us being trans.
Mar 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Nurses listen up: all I wanted last night was pain relief. I got it. And it didn't work. It was obvious I was in retention but my brain was in pain mode. We all know to do this, but in the moment it's easy to panic and give more PRN morphine. The pain ladder is all well and good, but it took a sensible, calm nurse to come along, say no to the morphine, ignore the inconclusive bladder scan, and flush the catheter. Now I am pain free and have had 5 hours of beautiful sleep.
Mar 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Recurrent tonsillitis occludes my airway or goes septic at 3. Failing that, a barber treating my messed up teeth gives me pericarditis at 10. If I survive that, I get burned and/or flogged for doing whatever trans people did then. History was bad, do not recommend. Genuinely interested who would have sorted messed up teeth in the 1400s. Were barbers a thing yet?
Mar 26, 2021 35 tweets 8 min read
It's day 3! Big day today, I'M GONNA STAND UP!

Links below if you're just joining the party. Yesterday was hard so I didn't post as much as I wanted. Hoping today will be a little more smooth. ☺️ If you're just joining in, head back to the start:
Mar 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Medical people, listen up! It's a debate as old as time itself, so I'm gonna settle it.

I have 2 drains out tomorrow. One left, one right. The idea is that breathing in or out when pulling it makes it easier, but people disagree which. So I'm gonna do both. MAKE YOUR PREDICTION. @nohandsup didn't you once bring this up? 👀
Mar 24, 2021 30 tweets 7 min read
Good morning, day 2! I am in a moderate amount of pain but my brain is still pumping out happy juice by the bucket. ♥️

Nothing to add so far, but stay tuned. #CassSRS

If you want to catch up, click below! I hope it's fun and informative 🥰

Postin' time! Woke up to turn Lily off (we fell asleep together on video call ♥️) and realised it was ivabx time so I stayed awake and waited for the nurse. She came and attached the bits and did my blood pressure - 85/something (been above 125 systolic all day).
Mar 24, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Hi new followers! my name's Cass and I don't have a dick anymore :) Image Tw needles, sorry
Mar 24, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Hey! I need distracting and y'all need learning so let's do some #education!!!

Here's what the hell these ugly af socks are for and why the first thing the nurse did yesterday was measure me up for some...

Welcome to my TED talk.

(come on that alone is worth a RT) Image Thrombo-embolus deterrent stockings (TEDS) do what they say. But for those who don't know classical greek let's break it down:

Thrombus: blood clot
Embolus: a blood clot that's not attached to anything (yet)
Deterrent: you guys know that one.

So what's up with that?
Mar 24, 2021 43 tweets 10 min read
Good morning! It's Day 1 (I'm renaming yesterday Day 0) of #CassSRS and I have been woken up by screaming! It's that very metal, very dramatic, very murdery scream that foxes like to do at 2am just to really scare the shit out of you and it has worked 😎 Day 0 if you're not yet caught up

Mar 23, 2021 27 tweets 7 min read
Hey what's up! If you're reading this, I'm currently in hospital getting my genitals rearranged. This thread is gonna be a lil sporadic diary and I'd also like to write it up properly once I'm sat up and in the mood... There's not gonna be a lot of juicy details here because 1) I'm family friendly and 2) my boss follows me lmao. I have a secret alt and if you're chill I'll share it with you!