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Oct 15th 2020
This has to be the most corrupt 🚲land grab in DC history. They want to remove parking & at least one travel lane on Conn Ave, even though the data shows that there are 50,000% more daily 🚘 than 🚴‍♂️ in NON-WINTER months.

All for two 🚴‍♂️ crashes per YEAR on Ward 3’s busiest road. ImageImageImageImage
Let’s #GetToKnowYourANC on this project. David recognizes how unpopular removing parking from his district will be, but pushes for it anyway cuz he loves to ride his 🚲. Did we mention his income comes from urbanism & that his fave 📺 shows are about spies trying to destroy 🇺🇸? ImageImageImageImage
What’s that? An urbanist consultant/developer 🚴 on the board of GGW wants to make wholesale changes in the neighborhood he‘s lived in less than a year? Yep, meet #GetToKnowYourANC Wall.

How dare we question the profit motives of a man whose firm helped DDOT plan this nightmare! ImageImageImageImage
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