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Sep 22nd 2019
1 week before the @Conservatives #CPC19, we have used YOUR policy suggestions (via to make 5 requests to @BorisJohnson

These 5 requests will help Boris to fulfil his leadership election promise of governing as a #OneNation #LiberalConservative
1. Reinstate the whip for all of the 22 purged MPs who want to be Conservatives, and allow them to stand as @Conservatives MPs

These MPs are loyal, #OneNation Conservatives who will support your domestic agenda and help to deliver a pragmatic Brexit.
2. Introduce a 25p charge on single-use coffee cups as proposed by @KeepBritainTidy

The House of Commons study reduced consumption by 74%

We need to conserve our environment & look after our planet

We must be a world leader in environmentalism #VoteBlueGoGreen @ClimateTories
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