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Jun 5th 2022
Note-taking won't make you a better thinker, quite the opposite

Note-taking alone will lead to hoard info. @NickMilo advocates instead to move to insightful and deep thought note-making through a 6-step framework

A Twitter 🧵 to ENCODE your notes the #LinkingYourThinking way
ENCODE is a way to make deeply thought, more insightful notes

It's based on the natural conversation model, consistently linking one idea to another, the way our brain naturally works

Check how it works below...
👋🏼 ENCOUNTER (Hello...)

I found the link to Nick's Conference in my email after subscribing to his content.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
Some tiny ideas I captured in the #linkingyourthinking conference with @beeamp_vicky and @feeei.

Tools for Thought: the first few things that came to my mind were, Drawing, Writing and Conversations in this particular order.
The next thought was very quickly replaced by the concept this image below holds.
I bloated with pride thinking Evernote/Notion and all tech that helped me were my TFTs. But in no time the difference between these Tools for thought and Mediums for Thought became clear
My tools for thought are my thinking, writing and drawing practices.

The foundation of all these above is conversations. Ones that I have with myself, strangers over the internet through threads like these of with friends.
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2022
Don't know how to take notes? check out this masterpiece by F. Ford Coppola when he was prepping for @godfathermovie ⬇️
"The script was really an unnecessary document ... I could have made the movie just with this notebook"
@fortelabs , did you know F. Ford Coppola's notes on @godfathermovie ?
It seems his own implementation of #progressivesummarization 📝
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