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Sep 29th 2021
It was the first week of #BBNaija
I have never had a fav n honestly wasn’t interested. As a virgo I am way to analytical and almost impossible to please. So I was watching the housemates to spot out the fake acts etc. Then the task came, that week… #LiquoroseForThe90M #EmmaRose
That week was honestly the worse, and I applaud Peace just for being the HOH that week. Then came this quiet shy lady who hadn’t rly adjusted yet, I thot ok, that’s quiet natural. Normal pple learn their environment before opening up. 👀 #LiquoroseForThe90M #BBNaija #EmmaRose
So I watched her, oh and she is a Tom boy, I thot that was bold in this part of the world we find ourselves. Stereotypes alone. I mean it’s never happened on this show or any show this big. From the yelling, arguments, butting heads. #LiquoroseForThe90M #BBNaija #EmmaRose
Read 10 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
*For every time pple saw our breasts before our brains
*For every time we lost an opportunity cos we are females
*For every time we are undermined in our field of work
* For every time we were called a witch, a born 1, born 2 …
#EmmaRose #LiquoroseForThe90M
..ashawo, proud, bitch cos we
Stood up for ourselves
*For every time we were judged just for hvn a vagina

Women have had to fight all our lives and still fight just for a seat at the table. Our voices hv been stifled for so long #BBNaija #LiquoroseForThe90M #EmmaRose
A win for @LiquoroseAfije_ is a win for every woman
An Intelligent woman who is accommodative. An assertive woman who is humble. An independent woman fearless enough to share her spotlight. A woman who fought her way to the top and …
#LiquoroseForThe90M #BBNaija #EmmaRose
Read 8 tweets

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