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Mar 7th 2023
*Blows dust off*

God, it has been a long 4 years since I first planned this project. A lot has happened in my life, and for a long time I felt like I just wasn't ready to really make this project a reality.

I think I'm ready now. 🧵
I've steadily worked on this project for the past four years, at varying intervals, especially during #NaNoWriMo.

Over that time it has evolved CONSIDERABLY.

The entire backstory of the world has been fleshed out far more, so that the world itself has a pretty in-depth...
... history.

This world has to feel lived-in. The normal lives of the people around and outside the borders of the story have to feel like they'd make sense even if this story wasn't being told.

Things like knowing that the A'Athor peninsula is known for its wine because of...
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