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Jul 5th 2020
Il Mother Cow & The Leopard Kid ll
Il Heart Touching True Love Story ll

A man bought the cow from a neighboring village and brought it to his village. Dogs used to bark at night. People thought that thieves were coming at night. #LoveStory
They installed CCTV and what they saw surprised them. Then they reached the village of the man from whom they had bought the cow and found out that the mother of the leopard had died when she was 20 days old. #LoveWithouLimits
The people of the village brought the female leopard to the cow and she nursed it. When the child grew up, they left her in the forest, but she did not forget her savior mother cow, who fed her. She comes from the forest every night to visit the Mother Cow. ❣️
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Jun 10th 2020
Why must you think you can turn your partner to a victim of been a fool in love with you... not everyone can be healed after been played emotionally.
Stop raping the heart of a real men/women with fake love... 🛑❌❌

You can’t be in his/her life when what u’re giving back would destroy his/her memories of those sweet days you’re together and all those forever promises...Meanwhile it’s just a deceiving words to get what you needed and find a way to escape when it’s no more. #LoveWithoutLimits
Ur mind keeps floating and dt gives you a head up to cheats bcos of every mistakes dt occur in ur relationship...that moment doesn’t define you as d best but just a player who can’t strive to succeed but to claim a chance to expand what won’t make the relationship to last longer
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