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!! धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः !! मत विचार सार संक्षेप : गुरु, ग्रंथ और गोविंद !! Dharma First !! 🔱🚩
May 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Triyugi-Narayan Mandir in  Triyuginarayan village in Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand. The ancient Mandir is dedicated to Bhagwan Vishnu. Bhagwan Narayana is seated with Mata Bhudevi and Mata Lakshmi Devi. This fame is credited to the place being the site of the Vivah of mata Parvati to Mahadev Shiva by Bhagwan Vishnu and thus is a popular pilgrimage site. Bhagwan Vishnu had performed the duty of brother of Parvati in this divine marriage, ...
Dec 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Sri Lakshmi Ganapati Swami Temple, Bikkavolu, Andhra Pradesh

Magnificent Bikkavolu Temple is dedicated to Sri Vinayaka. The main deity inside the Temple is a “Swayambhu and is 7 feet high. Bikkavolu is a village & Mandal, It’s located in East Godavari district of Andhra pradesh. ImageImage Here the devotees whisper their wishes in Sri Vinayaka’s ear. The other fascinating thing is, water can be seen coming out from base of the left leg of Sri Ganapati. ImageImage
Dec 7, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
रामायण का पहला श्लोक ही संस्कृत साहित्य का पहला श्लोक है। रामायण ही संस्कृत साहित्य का पहला महाकाव्य है सबसे रोचक बात ये है कि इस श्लोक में एक श्राप दिया गया है. जानिए इस श्राप की कहानी -

मां निषाद प्रतिष्ठां त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समाः ।
यत्क्रौंचमिथुनादेकम् अवधीः काममोहितम् ॥ मां निषाद प्रतिष्ठां त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समाः ।
यत्क्रौंचमिथुनादेकम् अवधीः काममोहितम् ॥

अर्थ : हे निषाद ! तुमको अनंत काल तक (प्रतिष्ठा) शांति न मिले, क्योकि तुमने प्रेम, प्रणय-क्रिया में लीन असावधान क्रौंच पक्षी के जोड़े में से एक की हत्या कर दी.
Oct 26, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#RajaRajaChola The Cholas were the great Tamil kings who ruled the world, who crossed the sea and flew the Tiger flag of the Cholas. The reign of King #RajaRajaChola was one of the most important periods in the history of the Chola Empire.
#TamilsPrideRajaRajaCholan The policies of the Chola dynasty, which saw a new upsurge in various fields of government, military, fine arts, architecture, temple building and literature were greatly embodied in his rule.
Oct 6, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Il महाराजा जाम साहब दिग्विजयसिंह जी ll

जब हिटलर ने पोलैंड पर आक्रमण करके द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध की शुरुआत की थी तो उस समय पोलैंड के सैनिको ने अपने 500 महिलाओ और करीब 200 बच्चों को एक जहाज़ में बैठाकर समुद्र में छोड़ दिया और कैप्टन से कहा की इन्हें किसी भी देश में ले जाओ,... जहाँ इन्हें शरण मिल सके l
अगर जिन्दगी रही हम बचे रहे या ये बचे रहे तो दुबारा मिलेंगे।

500 शरणार्थी पोलिस महिलाओ और 200 बच्चो से भरा वो जहाज ईरान के सिराफ़ बंदरगाह पहुंचा,वहाँ किसी को शरण क्या उतरने की अनुमति तक नही मिली,फिर सेशेल्स मेंभी नही मिली, फिर अदन में भी अनुमति नही मिली।
Sep 10, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
एक प्रेरक प्रसंग - !! निंदा का फल !!

एक बार की बात है कि किसी राजा ने यह फैसला लिया कि वह प्रतिदिन 100 अंधे लोगों को खीर खिलाया करेगा। एक दिन खीर वाले दूध में सांप ने मुंह डाला और दूध में विष डाल दी और ज़हरीली खीर को खाकर 100 के 100 अंधे व्यक्ति मर गए।..

।। जय श्री कृष्ण ।। राजा बहुत परेशान हुआ कि मुझे 100 आदमियों की हत्या का पाप लगेगा।

राजा परेशानी की हालत में अपने राज्य को छोड़कर जंगलों में भक्ति करने के लिए चल पड़ा, ताकि इस पाप की माफी मिल सके। रास्ते में एक गांव आया। राजा ने चौपाल में बैठे लोगों से पूछा की...
Sep 10, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Il Mukti Gupteshwar Temple ll
in Minto, Australia

The 13th and the last Jyothirlinga was gifted to Australia in 1999 by the then King of Nepal -- the late Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

#हर____हर___महादेव #ॐ_नमः_शिवाय Together with this was gifted 7996 hymns arranged in eight volumes especially to be sung in praise of this deity.

According to the scriptures, construction of this lingam had to be in the southern hemisphere which symbolised the 'mouth of the snake'...
Aug 10, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Inspirational 16-year-old Priyavrat Patil from Goa, cleared the toughest Sanskrit Examination 'Tenali Mahapariksha' at a record age in September 2019.

Kanchi Mutt has been conducting this exam for many years. Image Pryavrats father Mahamahopadhyaya Davdutt Patil and his mother together run a Sanskrit Gurukul in this village. Its a small institution with 30 or so resident students. Image
Jul 18, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Il The Legend Of Shakti Peethas ll

The Devi Purana describes 51, While Devi Bhagwat describes 108, & Devi Gita 72, while Tantra Chudamani has described 52 Shakti Peethas. At present, there r 42 in India, 1 in Pakistan, 4 in Bangladesh, 1 in Sri Lanka, 1 in Tibet and 2 in Nepal. Image Mata Sati was the daughter of King Daksh. She performed severe penance and wished to marry Lord Shiva. Eventually she married Lord Shiva against the wishes of Her father Daksh.

Once Daksh was performing a yagna and he had invited all the deities except Lord Shiva and Sati.
Jul 16, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
हमारे जीवन में होने वाली हरेक घटना का कोई ना कोई अर्थ अवश्य होता है। जैसेकि जिसे हम दुर्भाग्य समझते है वही आगे चलकर, सौभाग्य का कारण बन जाता है ।

महाराज दशरथ को जब संतान प्राप्ति नहीं हो रही थी तब वो बड़े दुःखी रहते थे; पर ऐसे समय में उनके पास एक ही संबल था जो... कभी उन्हें आशाहीन नहीं होने देता था। मज़े कि बात ये है कि वो संबल किसी ऋषि-मुनि या देवता का वरदान नहीं बल्कि श्रवण के पिता का श्राप था।

दशरथ जब-जब दुःखी होते थे तो उन्हें श्रवण के पिता का दिया श्राप याद आ जाता था।
Jul 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Il Angkor Wat Cambodia ll
Il Originally was a Hindu Temple ll

Angkor Wat is an enormous Buddhist temple complex located in northern Cambodia. It was originally built in the first half of the 12th century as a Hindu temple. Spread across more than 400 acres... Angkor Wat is said to be the largest religious monument in the world. Its name, which translates to “Temple city” in the Khmer language of the region, references the fact it was built by Emperor Suryavarman II, who ruled the region from 1113 to 1150...
Jul 11, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Il Detachment Makes Us Hardhearted & Attachment Doesn't ll

Is it True ?

Sometimes people think “If I become detached, I will become hardhearted.!! "

However, what makes us hardhearted is not detachment, but its opposite: attachment. When we become attached to something, we experience intense emotions in relation with that object. But those very emotions can impel us towards unbecoming, immoral and hurtful actions, especially towards those whom we see as threats to our attachment.
Jul 5, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Il Mother Cow & The Leopard Kid ll
Il Heart Touching True Love Story ll

A man bought the cow from a neighboring village and brought it to his village. Dogs used to bark at night. People thought that thieves were coming at night. #LoveStory They installed CCTV and what they saw surprised them. Then they reached the village of the man from whom they had bought the cow and found out that the mother of the leopard had died when she was 20 days old. #LoveWithouLimits
Jun 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Il The Nellaiappar Shiva temple ll

This temple is located on the northern banks of the Thamirabharani river, this temple is, a living example of unparalleled Beauty of architecture, built by the early Pandyas around 7th C.

~ Artistic & Divine Sculptures The Nellaiappar-Kanthimathi Ambal temple in Tirunelveli, the musical pillars are so arranged that vibrations are produced from the neighbouring pillar, when one pillar is tapped. There is a central pillar having 48 small cylindrical pillars of varying girth, around.

~ Pillars
Jun 8, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Il The Konark Sun Temple Odisha ll

This is Sudehi, the Royal Elephant. The sculpture of this gigantic female elephant can be seen in Konark Sun Temple built by Narasimhadeva I. The elephant is decorated with ornaments. She is seen carrying the king of Odisha in her trunk ...!! Image The legend of Sudehi_carrying_the_king ...!!
It is said that the Ganga king of Odisha, Langula Narasimhadeva I, fought a four year war with the invaders' armies. He was known all around India, for his huge cavalry of elephants and was known as "Gajapati", the king of elephants. Image
Jun 2, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
Il Divine Sage Rishyashringa's Temple Of Rain At Kigga ll

This Shivlingam is known as Malahanikaresvara. Its said dat whn the Sage left his corporeal body, a very bright lightening issued frm his body & he disappeared into the lingam dat he used to worship.

~Rishyashringeswara ImageImage Sage Rishyashringa performed the "Putrakameshti Yagna" for Dasharatha, the King of Ayodhya and the result was that he was blessed with four sons..Sri Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrugana.

May 29, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Il 9th Century Shivling Discovered ll
Il सनातन धर्म यत्र तत्र सर्वत्र ll

Archeological Survey of India (ASI) has recently discovered a 9th-century era monolithic sandstone Shiv Ling during their on-going conservation project in the Cham Temple Complex, Vietnam. Vietnam's Cham Temple is part of the UNESCO world heritage site. According to reports, the temple was built during the reign of King Indravarman II, a ruler of the Khmer Empire.
May 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The Javari Temple~ Khajuraho

Friends ! Look at this master piece of architecture. The intricacies of every part of this Temple is just mind blowing. Our words can't do justice to this. What makes it even more amazing is dat it looks new & it's over 1000 yrs old.
@Lost_History1 Khajuraho is known for its gorgeous temples that are the spectacular piece of human imagination, magnificent architectural work, artistic creativity and spiritual peace through eroticism.

The Javari Temple is dedicated to the Lord Vishnu & was built b/w 900-1100.