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Sep 8th 2022
#FoxXian #BabyXian #BabyJi
Liddol FoxXian's tails covering him whenever he is shy or blushing. His mother teases him all the time about this that FoxXian just vanishes, the tails curl around him as if to hide him.
When the Wei family goes to Cloud Recesses for the first time after LQR sends about the birth of his infant nephew, CSSR tickles FoxXian all the way up the hill about tumbling everywhere and mischief. Also about his tailblush.
FoxXian hides himself in his tails for the whole trip. Poor WCZ has to coax their little pup out of the fur ball so that they can continue up the mountain. CSSR is busy cooing the fluffy mop of tails, poking to see if the tails would pop open.
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