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Jun 18th 2023
Manoj Muntajir's unforgettable logic

#Aadipurush is made with today's modern children in mind.-
This is criminal incompetent hypocrisy, punishable.

Our first duty is to give our new generation correct information about our religious beliefs and great men
Till a few decades ago, children watched "Ramlila" played in the village, apart from that, the elderly at home, affirm religious knowledge and rituals along with entertainment.
Film today is a powerful medium to give to the new generation knowledge.
#BanAdipurush immediately.
Duty of these film maker’s for Religious narrative is not to modernise & distort, but expressing the religious identity in the same form.Our religious narrative, identity is so cultured, organized,limited, beautiful that we proudly show it to the world not spoil the original form Image
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