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Oct 9th 2021
1/10 Back home after a full #Coventry week. Read on to see what we found #MovingOurFutures #OurFutureMoves #CovMotoFest - @CovMotoFest @CraigoAshley @TweetSherrie @MattChinnArt - as city of culture 2021, Coventry is thinking about its future with some brilliant people...
2/10 The first thing to say is that #Coventry has some brilliant artists, people able to challenge, design & make new work. In the artist lab we explored the city - it's not all concrete - it has a canal, green areas & 5g (not everywhere)...
3/10 Here are Sunil, Colin & Sabine. What's really impressive is their openness to share ideas & be honest about successes & failures. Sabine taught us about Coventry's history & its history of promoting peace. In the room, artists, academics & civic officers. @Jonestheregen
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