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Aug 20th 2020
Hello Nigerians,

@NigeriaGov plans to spend N9.25BN on NASS renovation

N2.9BN on State Villa and N346M on cars for EFCC.


N8.7M goes to 104 colleges, N10M to infant feeding and N51M to maternal health.

Is the budget designed for the masses or the elite?

In the #RevisedBudget, N1.5bn was allocated for ambassadors' entitlement while

N176M will be spent on the purchase of JEEPS for the secretary's office.

ICT devt had an allocation of JUST N4.5M and only N8.74M will be spent on book acquisition for 104 colleges.

Why was N500M allocated for African First Ladies Peace Mission and a meagre sum of N270M was voted for the provision of food items for IDPs in 9 constituencies.

Also, N346M was allocated for the purchase of additional operational vehicles for @officialEFCC

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