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Dec 16th 2021
Solitary confinement is not just inhumane— it is torture. @ericadamsfornyc I beg you and your administration to reverse this appalling decision. Think of Kalief, and think of all those who have been irreparably harmed by solitary confinement.
The memory of Kalief Browder haunts me. What he went through in solitary confinement and what he couldn’t live with after it will always haunt me. @ericadamsfornyc please don’t be callous, reverse your decision.
In the memory of Kalief Browder we must end solitary confinement in New York and beyond. Currently there are 10,000 in solitary confinement in the federal prison population. I will fight against solitary confinement as the next representative for my district. #MayaForCongress Kalief Browder
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