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Jul 27th 2020
Vienna's hospital railway: Between 1904 - 2011, the city's large Lainz nursing home had its own narrow gauge railway to deliver meals, clothes and fuel. Trains ran from the kitchens and little wagons were dropped off to wards at mealtimes. #MealsOnWheels ImageImageImageImage
There were at least three of these little hospital railways in Vienna; and several more in other countries. Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital in Montreal was so large it had a tramway to deliver meals etc around the site - even indoors Image
Some large hospitals had their own railway TO them - like the Hellingly Hospital Railway - to transport staff, patients and often coal to heat the place. East Sussex County Council ran this one near Hailsham… ImageImage
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Apr 5th 2018
(1/3) I learned quite a bit taking part in Meals on Wheels’ March for Meals campaign by participating in a #MealsOnWheels ride-along with Minuteman Senior Services in @Winchester_MA. #mapoli #WinchesterMA Image
(2/3) I had the opportunity to learn about the meal preparation and delivery process and got to assist in the delivery of hot meals to homebound seniors. Meals on Wheels is funded in part through the state budget. #mapoli
(3/3) FYI, the communities of the 5th Middlesex district are serviced by Minuteman (#WinchesterMA) and Mystic Valley Elder Svcs (#Malden, #Melrose, #ReadingMA, #Stoneham & #Wakefield), both of which provide a range of vital support services to seniors & their caregivers. #mapoli
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