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Most recents (3)

Sep 5th 2022
Join me at 10:30am, cst, tomorrow, 9/6: Did One Group of Undercover Cops Try to Arrest Other Undercover Cops?

Police chief: "This is probably one of the most embarrassing things in this department since I’ve been appointed."

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Good MORNING Criminology fans, I'm here in the home office, excited to get started talking about the #MeasurementOfCrime, who else is feeling the return to work after the long weekend?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Well coffee up, we have a lot of fun concepts to discuss this morning ...

I hope you join me as we take a look at Chapter 02, #TrueCrimeVSUrbanLegend and the #MeasurementOfCrime

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Read 76 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
Join me at 10:45am, cst, today: Did One Group of Undercover Cops Try to Arrest Other Undercover Cops?

Police chief: "This is probably one of the most embarrassing things in this department since I’ve been appointed."

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Good MORNING Criminology fans, I'm here in MY A123 office, excited to get started talking about the #MeasurementOfCrime, it feels like "Old Home" week!

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime #MessyHairDontCare
Let's start with a thinking challenge, which of the following age groups is the most likely to be victimized?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Read 95 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
Join me at 1pm, cst, today: Did One Group of Undercover Cops Try to Arrest Other Undercover Cops?

Police chief: "This is probably one of the most embarrassing things in this department since I’ve been appointed."

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Good afternoon Criminology fans, I'm here in the home office, excited to get started talking about the #MeasurementOfCrime, I have to show off my very handsome office mate ...

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Let's start with a thinking challenge, which of the following age groups is the most likely to be victimized?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Read 96 tweets

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