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Aug 11th 2022
Found this write up of my 2012 election analysis and data use by the numerati...and how journalists have used data to map and visualize communities...2012. #mediadeserts #citations…
For those of you who may not know...@elonuniversity is in North Carolina (hi @thebusinessofnews), where I was doing mapping work in 2012 of media deserts, tracking online hate rhetoric and the political use of social technologies/data for targeted messaging and journalism work. Image
If you go to wikipedia and look up "news deserts", the history begins in 2016 @businessofnews ? And you @DukeU at the time? How coincidental that my methodology, definitions and work would be duplicated just 40 miles away? Curious. #citationsmatter
Read 5 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
Yes. I'm *supposed* to be presenting at #NCA. But due to "technical difficulties," I will not be able to deliver to #NCA21 this morning. Presenting live now on #mediadeserts in TikTok-ese for the research-averse out there #citeBlackwomen #mediadeserts:…
Just presented my live presentation via Projector via #NCA21. I'll post the pics in this thread on "Media Deserts/Media Seeds" ...framing matters and here's why...
Before there were snooze deserts there were media deserts and the research methodology/model I was developing with communities back in 2010 at @jtmstream events where I was workshopping my "News as Food" model...more on that later. Yes, that IS my map of North Carolina BTW🧐🧐
Read 14 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
It’s cute when I say modeling the local media ecosystem & folks think 3D😳. No, systems modeling. I’m talking pinpoints AND the whole narrative system. Making journalism visible & accountable for geographic gaps & harms. Modeling local 👇🏾 since b4 the www.
Thanks for taking my question @ShorensteinCtr about #mediadeserts & how the local journalism sustainability may reinforce legacy media & as @mitrakalita reinforced, some media innovation and entrepreneurship *might* be funded? Look to the larger system in #mediadeserts. #create
Nine criteria: Ownership, corrections policy, super basic criteria...Gordon Crovitz to rate "journalism" sites and identify "pink slime" and disclose BASIC journalism practices... It's not that hard to tell, he said.
Read 4 tweets

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