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Jan 5th 2022
#PlantScienceClassics #12: The stem cell-maintaining CLAVATA(CLV)-WUSCHEL(WUS) feedback loop. In 1999/2000 the labs of Elliot Meyerowitz & @simonrdg published 2 joint @ScienceMagazine papers describing a self-regulating signaling loop that maintains the stem cells of plants. Title pages of the two Scie...
Plants continue to grow for their entire life due to the activity of stable pools of stem cells. The shoot apical #meristem (SAM) is the stem cell niche responsible for producing all above ground cells and is located at the tip of the plant’s stem. Three sketches. First, an o...
The number of stem cells in the SAM is maintained constant, despite new formed cells continuously leaving the stem cell pool to build new tissues & organs. And like the stem cell number is stable, so are the number of organs formed, e.g. flower organs (see classic #1, ABC model). A screenshot of the first #...
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