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Sep 20th 2021
Our research about comparing #arthropod 🪳 communities between islands🏝️with and without house mice🐁on #MidwayAtoll #Pihemanu #Kuaihelani is published! 🥳🎉
A thread on what we found out🧵

(Photo credit: Forest & Kim Starr; image shows Protaetia pryeri)
1. Arthropods perform key roles in ecosystem processes on islands, especially on seabird islands where they affect nutrient cycling and disposition. But, what happens when these arthropod communities 🐜🕷️🪰🪲🦗are subject to a novel predator, such as house mice? 🐭
2. Mice are slated for eradication on Midway Atoll NWR once it was discovered that they were attacking and killing nesting albatross😟However, how will Midway's arthropod communities respond or recover once mice are gone? How do communities differ where mice are/aren't present?🧐
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