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Feb 8th 2020
Luca shares his memories of the #SpacewalkForAMS series "The credit goes to the whole team who put in the time and the hours and the extra training that I received that made the operations in orbit look very familiar."
@astro_luca In response to a comment that gravity doesn't seem to be bothering @astro_luca: "I’ve had about 41 years to get ready for gravity, so it feels quite normal to be back. It’s a bit heavy, but I’ll get there." 💪
@astro_luca "There’s not a second on the @Space_Station and not a sight out the window that is ever the same. No matter how many times I’ve flown over the same location, the weather will be different, the light will be different, I will be different." @astro_luca 📷
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