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May 3rd 2019
The sneak-dissing from white women that you've flagged is on full display in the discourse around Caster Semenya.

As is the self-flagellation of BW SJWing gone awry.

Conflating Caster's struggle as intersex, high-testosterone person w/ struggle of cisgen BW. 🤔
As a HUMAN, I sympathize with the very public scrutiny that Caster has endured for a decade & her unique experience finding out she was intersex (no ovaries; internal male testea) in the public eye.…
However, it's not lost on me that the discourse trying to make Caster's case about "Black women writ large" and "imperialism towards Black women's bodies" is just another form of that imperialism.

It's the masculinization of BW, with a patina of bleeding heart progressivism.
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