The sneak-dissing from white women that you've flagged is on full display in the discourse around Caster Semenya.
As is the self-flagellation of BW SJWing gone awry.
Conflating Caster's struggle as intersex, high-testosterone person w/ struggle of cisgen BW. 🤔…
It's the masculinization of BW, with a patina of bleeding heart progressivism.
Some of whom are earnest & have quietly internalized hyper-masculinization of BW.
Others of whom are jockeying for their next "BW explainer" gig on whatever podcast or in whatever column

I heard the same "Caster's case represents Black women's struggles" framing on NPR. Mainstream media.
There *are* enough examples of BW being masculinized & our bodies interrogated. So why are the woke-rs & media muddying waters & oversimplifying Caster's case by linking it to cis Black women?
And still not further harm Black women by essentializing Caster's issue as a "Black woman struggle."
Must-watch by @ChrissiesWay
(thx for understanding the point of my thread & eloquently capturing the big picture)
Must-read by athlete and Duke academic via @Quillette :…