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Oct 26th 2021
✊✊✊@ukscn_london activists are occupying @sciencemuseum to protest @Shell sponsorship!

Oil companies create a social licence to operate by sponsoring arts and cultural institutions whilst ignoring demands for justice from communities on the frontlines of their extraction.
Shell has a horrific human rights and environmental record #Ogoni9 #Mossmorran

Shell is the world's 7th biggest polluter and is seeking permission to develop the Cambo oil field despite leading international bodies recommending against any investment in new oil and gas fields.
We Demand:

👷‍♀️A worker-led #JusticeTransition that addresses injustices, poverty and inequalities!
🛢️ No new fossil fuel investments or infrastructure! #StopCambo
🚨 Urgent action to stop catastrophic climate change! Global temperature rise must be limited to 1.5°C!
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