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Nov 4th 2020
Hey Americans. We need immigrants & would love to have you. Here’s my plug for #NewBrunswick, Canada. Safe, affordable, and pretty much COVID-free. Free healthcare, cheap university, and very very little chance your kids will be shot at school. #movingtocanada #Elections2020
In capital city #Fredericton, average family detached home costs $189K CDN, which equates to $144K US. That’s right. Did I mention your US dollars go 30% farther here? Check us out by following #frederictonnb on Insta. Fredericton has 90km of bike/running/commute trails too.
You might also consider Saint John, aka #saintawesome. Huge opportunity here and amazing waterfront urban neighborhoods and suburbs. This was our backyard when we lived there. Amazing urban scene and great restaurants. #movingtocanada #Elections2020
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May 1st 2019
Moving to Canada soon? Top 12 Choice Cities for Moving in Canada for Immigrants:

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Credit: Movers Quotes.
Thousands of new immigrants settle in Ottawa every year. Residents say the city is neither big nor small. It is a green & environment-friendly city. It also provides many services such as OSICO & LINK for new immigrants to help them start a new life.
Many immigrants also choose Ottawa because of its professional opportunities. It is the nation’s capital and is mainly English-speaking.

Located in eastern Ontario on the Quebec border, it sits on the side of the huge Ottawa River. On its north side is French-speaking Gatineau,
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