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Jun 30th 2022
I’m not saying there’s going to be a special military operation this weekend in Washington. But guys, there’s gonna be a special military operation this weekend in Washington.
Will it be on Friday?
On Saturday?
Or will it compete with the fireworks on July 4?
Will it be at the embassy?
Will it be at the Russian embassy cultural center?
Will it be at the ambassador’s residence?
Will it be somewhere else?
Read 5 tweets
May 12th 2022
I could not be more excited to announce that we now have permission from the good folks at @GoldwynFilms to do an outdoor screening of #MrJones on the wall of a Russian diplomatic property of our choosing and to livestream the event.
A special military operation is now under way to make this happen in a fashion available to the general public in the Washington DC metro area. Date, time, location and details will be forthcoming.
If the Russians try to stop it, it will be just another example of the attempted erasure of Russia's genocidal history in Ukraine--of which the current war is just the latest chapter.
Read 5 tweets

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