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Nov 14th 2019

#GE2019  gives us a once in a lifetime opportunity to elect a majority Brexit government. This is only possible if @conservatives & @brexitparty_uk form a #BrexitAlliance
This is my seat by seat guide to which party should stand where

#CombineTheLeaveVote #StatsGuide

I will add high priority seats first where the #BrexitAlliance is not the incumbent but the constituency voted to Leave. I will then add the rest

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# search instructions below 👇

#CombineTheLeaveVote #StatsGuide

# search instx as follows:

Example: #DudleyNorthBrexitAlliance

MP’s Brexit voting record during May’s premiership
Example: #IanAustinBrexit

Thanks for sharing this important information

#CombineTheLeaveVote #StatsGuide
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