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Mar 26th 2022
Ok, so, like, it's #NationalMedalOfHonorDay so you just know I gotta toss back 1 or 2 or 5 or whatever drinks and talk bout one of my favorite medal of honor recipients everrrrrrr

But I'm not gonna tell you who it is right off because suspense or whatever
So it's like May of 1863 and the American civil war is lit tf up. Like, battles. Everywhere. As many prominent historians have said. Let's look at ol Virginia and that continued campaign to take Richmond because misplaced centers of gravity but whatevs
The Army of the Potomac has just come out of some seriously shitty times. Like, first getting fed into the woodchipper at Fredericksburg, then marching through the frozen mud and then marching BACK thru the frozen mud, all for a dude who did NOT want the job of CG
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