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Aug 19th 2020
A #BRIRE system includes the powers of #ScoreVoting, #ApprovalVoting, #RankedChoiceVoting & more, with balance built-in allowing voters an option of using a #BalancedBallot to cast a true #NegativeVote if they choose a ballot which includes that option. Continue reading… #BRIRES
#BRIRES EXPLAINED: A Balanced Rational Instant Runoff Election System (#BRIRES) is much more powerful than the USA's out-dated first-past-the-post system and allows voters to choose a simple ballot to be automatically converted or a #BRIRE ballot to access the full potential.
Using a computer system to vote with a simpler ballot such as one the voter is accustomed to, they could choose to view the calculated translation of their simple ballot into a full #BRIRE ballot and optionally edit it before printing or submitting the final ballot. #BRIRES
Read 38 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
A #BRIRE system includes the powers of #ScoreVoting, #ApprovalVoting, #RankedChoiceVoting & more, with balance built-in allowing voters an option of using a #BalancedBallot to cast a true #NegativeVote if they choose a ballot which includes that option. Continue reading… #BRIRES
#BRIRES EXPLAINED: A Balanced Rational Instant Runoff Election System (#BRIRES) is much more powerful than the USA's out-dated first-past-the-post system and allows voters to choose a simple ballot to be automatically converted or a #BRIRE ballot to access the full potential.
Using a computer system to vote with a simpler ballot such as one the voter is accustomed to, they could choose to view the calculated translation of their simple ballot into a full #BRIRE ballot and optionally edit it before printing or submitting the final ballot. #BRIRES
Read 37 tweets

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