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Feb 9th 2019
Dear @HillaryClinton,
I'm appealing directly to you for help in stopping the stealth mission to Rewrite the Constitution.

As of today, Feb 9/19, there are 52 resolutions in 23 state legislatures for an Article V Convention of States (COS). Of these,13 are D sponsored & 8 R+D!
It was because of a televised speech you gave years ago that I heard about GOP plans for a COS, and never forgot your warning.

This is significant, as I'm a CDN living in Canada and the terrifying implications of this were crystal clear to me.
What's more horrifying however, is:

How close GOP is to realising their goal
How Dems are playing right into their plans
How MSM is not covering this
How few Americans know it's happening!
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