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Mar 13th 2019
1. Day 8 of Westminster hearings at #CSAinquiry – my round-up in 33 tweets.

David Steel, #LordTittleTattle, skewered on his complacency. Background @FOIACentre:…

While most in UK hate the LibDems, we learnt that many LibDem MPs have long hated each other.
2. After Tory’s “Sir” Peter Morrison on Monday and Tuesday, focus at #CSAinquiry today was on Liberal’s “Sir” Cyril Smith.

First up, LibDem president Baroness Brinton who said that he and Jeremy Thorpe, those two great titans of Liberal party, “cordially loathed each other”.
3. Des Wilson, Liberal president from 1986 to 1987, told #CSAinquiry about the Liberal party at the time: “It was almost like two parties. The party in the country was very strong.”

But, he continued: “The parliamentary party was a bit of a rabble, to be honest.”
Read 33 tweets

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