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Dec 16th 2019
It is not a question of a Hindu Muslim. Home Minister Amit Shah has said that the NRC will be made at the national level. What will happen in it? Will only Muslim people get hurt?

No date, no process has been decided yet. We have only the experience of Assam, where 13 lakh Hindus and 6 lakh Muslims / Adivasis could not prove their citizenship. The question is, why not?

Because everyone had to submit documents, documents before 1971 for NRC as evidence.
These evidences were:
1. Proof of the 1971 Voter List Man's Own or Mother's Name; OR
2. In 1951, ie code number of parents / grandparents etc. found in the NRC after partition.

Read 18 tweets
Nov 2nd 2019
A disaster is looming on us. A government inflicted cruelty of unprecedented scale.

One from which we might not be able to recover for a long long time.

And we aren’t concerned. Or we aren’t concerned enough to say NO!

I am talking of anti-poor NRC & anti-Muslim CAB. #NoToNRC
In July, HM @AmitShah told RajyaSabha that Government will ensure that all illegal immigrants will be deported from 'every inch of the country's soil'.

What he did not say was that how will he determine who is an illegal immigrant!…
Remember when @narendramodi announced that every last paisa of black money would be caught?

You cheered? Yes?

Demonetisation Disaster.

You never thought that 5000 Rs your mother saved would be what he meant by that?

You never thought you would be made to suffer!

Yet you did.
Read 14 tweets

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