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Feb 13th 2020
The Nuremberg Laws were antisemitic and racist laws in Nazi Germany which is similar to present #NRC. Still you guys think the fight against this draconian law is only for the Muslims? If your answer is “YES” then you have put humanity to Shame. #NRCProtests This thread!!! 1/n
The Reich Citzenship Law of September 15, 1935 The Nuremberg Laws embedded many of the racially based ideological principles held by the Nazi party (Relate to the Nazi Party of India) into written law. The German Reichstag passed this set of laws on September 15, 1935, 2/n
initiating a period of legal discrimination against those the German govt deemed racially inferior. The Reich Citizenship Law is one of the Nuremburg Laws. ARTICLE 1. 1.A subject of the state is one who belongs to the protective union of the German Reich, 3/n
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