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Nov 2nd 2021
I'm loving this new #Nyano meme and keep seeing the same questions so thought I'd help out a bit and dispel some myths. A thread ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡

1. What is Nyano?
Nyano is #Nano. Just like Satoshis are Bitcoin. Nyano is just a small amount of $Nano, like 1 cent is 1/100 of a dollar.
1 Nano is 1 million Nyano just like 1 dollar is 100 cents.

2. Is Nyano going to be its own memecoin?
Nyano will never be its own coin anymore than satoshis would ever be their own coin.

3. How do I buy Nyano?
Easy! Just buy Nano and you'll have Nyano.
Just like when you buy Bitcoin, you have satoshis.

4. What's up with these new apps I'm hearing about?
Some Bitcoin wallets show values in satoshis. Nyatrium and Nyault (forks of Natrium and Nault) will show Nano values in Nyano, instead of Nano, and have the Nyano art work.
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