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Jun 29th 2022
Since Monday a small but powerful delegation is representing @CREAF_ecologia at #UNOceanConference2022 in Lisbon.

Why are we, a mainly (but not exclusively) terrestrial ecology research center, at #UNOC2022?

๐Ÿงต#ScienceDiplomacy #TurquoiseDiplomacy #NoBlueNoGreen #CREAF20k Image
As Her Deepness @SylviaEarle says, โ€œno blue ๐Ÿ’™, no green ๐Ÿ’šโ€, โ€˜cuz what happens in & to the #ocean affects the whole world since the ocean absorbs:

๐Ÿ”ฅ 90% of the ๐ŸŒ extra heat since the 50s
๐Ÿซง 1/4 of the CO2 from human emissions

#UNOC2022 #OceanDiplomacy #TurquoiseDiplomacy Image
And what happens in the ๐Ÿ’š also affects deeply the ๐Ÿ’™

Our postdoc @ezteliz research focuses on the links between terrestrial and #marine systems, and how river discharges have a great impact on coastal areas, specially #plankton communities.

#UNOC2022 #TurquoiseDiplomacy Image
Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2020
The greatest threat to the worldโ€™s oceans and all denizens of the deep is Not plastic, or climate change, or ignorance of sharks. The Chinese Communist Party paramilitary fishing fleet has invaded the globe Image
and they are wreaking havoc and destruction, while stealing everything possible, including minerals from adjoining lands. They have sellout minions who distract from this with a host of minor conservation missions that suck up well intended activists,
and the money of people who thought they were helping. With control of media the real story is fully censored for locals in many places. Any real ocean lover, activist, educator, or conservationist will stand for this cause. The rest will sit down, for the CCP.
Read 4 tweets

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