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Feb 17th 2021
HON. MISIHAIRABWI: Thank you very much Mr Speaker Sir. I am sure you will allow me to thank the Minister for the presentation. #WhereAreOurVaccinesZW #OpenCovidContracts @ZIMCODD1 @ZimRightsLIVE @kubatana @CitManifesto
HON. MISIHARABWI: My first question to the Minister and Vice President is to do with the figures that you have given us in terms of the targets, particularly for the first phase. #WhereAreOurVaccinesZW #OpenCovidContracts
HON. MISIHAIRABWI: If you are looking at your frontline workers, you are only looking at workers not necessarily their partners. When we look at partners those figures substantially change. May you explain how it is feasible to just do one person & not necessarily their partner?
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