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This is a really important paper. Some have said it's a bad news story...
The question is should £1bn have been spent on this drug in 2021 following just a prelim analysis of a much smaller trial...
However, before we start, bravo @ChrisColButler & team👏…
First, a little on molnupiravir (Lagevrio).
This is a nucleoside drug, or "nuc", originally named EIDD-2801 by scientists at Emory University. It was named Molnupiravir after Thor's hammer, Mjölnir.
Nucs are the building blocks of genetic material, so RNA or DNA. Nucs are a well
established class of agents used against RNA viruses as they target a unique feature of these viruses - the RNA dependent RNA polymerase, an enzyme that makes more RNA using RNA as a template. We don't have these in mammalian cells, so the idea is you can target this selectively
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