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Oct 3rd 2019
Consider my humble raise for concern.

#paymail protocol lacks user privacy, restricts user freedom & its security is inadequate. Building on a federated model with heavy reliance on 3rd party API is archaic.

@shadders333 @connolly_dan @ryanxcharles @JamesBelding @derekm00r3
@shadders333 @connolly_dan @ryanxcharles @JamesBelding @derekm00r3 DNSSEC/ DNS-over-TLS is not a panacea, and it contains many practical issues.

Moreover why should Bitcoin tx. security depend on a centralized top down certificate hierarchy anyway, a new more robust model is possible.
@shadders333 @connolly_dan @ryanxcharles @JamesBelding @derekm00r3 Needing to trust the 3rd party #paymail provider to generate a genuine unique address is unsettling, esp. for high value transactions.

Threats from spoofing, DNS/DNSSEC/TLS vulnerabilities, service provider breach (hacker) or going rogue etc. are real.
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