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Oct 1st 2021
đź“Ť Matamatha,puri

1/ The Mata Math is located at short distance of about 2 KMs from Swargadwar Road, Puri, Odisha. The road doesn’t have any name and is also very rough. We went by rickshaw reserving that. We just heard from someone and decided to visit. Just before reaching - ImageImage
2/ the Math the rickshaw took us to temple as he did not know the exact location. The temple has idol of Goddess Kali. We offered puja. From there Mata Math was at little distance. When we reached the Math the main temple was closed. A man was giving Prasadam and we took that. - ImageImage
3/ We came to know that the main temple is about 150 years old. But a devotee of Mata decorated the surroundings. While walking we were astonished to view the numerous colossal idols of deities. We have taken photos of many deities. The walk through was enjoyable. Many swans - ImageImage
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