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Jan 27th 2021
Right. Just been checking the final of proofs for #PlagueSongs, the daily verse project I undertook between May & November last year with @lukewrightpoet, whose childcare commitments meant he had to drop out & spend more time with his aching soul. Lovely @SmokestackBooks is...
...publishing more or less all of them (c160) this April. Throughout the sequence, it's interesting that occasionally I mention that day's Covid deathtoll, remembering that on 17th March Sir Patrick Vallance said "below 20,000" deaths would be a "good outcome". Well, by...
...28th May it had reached 38,000, almost double his predicted "good outcome". Then, by 20th October it was 40,000, and on 12th November I refer to the 50,000 who'd died up to that point. That's doubled in the last 12 weeks. Apparently "Boris" Johnson takes full responsibility..
Read 4 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
Poetry Korner (written 29.9.20)
The Shining City on The Hill

You see that Shining City on The Hill?
The shame is that the shine is just
The gleaming of the oily sheen
On the rats’ backs swarming from its slums,
The shimmer of the stacks of trash,
The glister of the stolen gold..
Reflected in the pools of blood,
The glistening of the sweat of slaves,
The sparkle of the film star’s teeth,
The Milky Way of motes of stirred up dust
Twinkling in the beams that play around
The shadows as they tic across the cave,
The flicker in the polished dreams...
Of Freedom, just a fresher theft
To free the thief to thieve, and thieve
Others’ freedoms too, self-evidenced
By genocide and force transhumance
In a bolthole built for grifters
By bigots who sought havens for their hatreds,
And newly peopled by great waves of deadbeats...
Read 5 tweets

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