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Jan 13th 2019
Did you enjoy Monbiot's piece?
I suggest, you re-read it. Yes, much truth in it, but (IMO) only to plant establishment version of reality conveying massive #powerlessness: Friedman/Hayek sensible, Keynes is out & no heterodox today. TINA in other words.…
Gotta love how the people r blamed for this reality:
"Hedges remarks that “fascist movements build their base not from the politically active but the politically inactive, the ‘losers’ who feel, often correctly, they have no voice or role to play in the political establishment”.
Monbiot continues (implying Hillary was only sane choice and facts only relat to her):
"When political debate no longer speaks to us, people become responsive instead to slogans, symbols and sensation. To the admirers of Trump, for example, facts and arguments appear irrelevant."
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