Lars Jorgensen Profile picture
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." Richard Feynman. Sociologist into Bourdieu, MMT & Anti-War Anti-Propaganda. #StayCuriousOrDieWhileYouLive
Jan 30, 2019 44 tweets 17 min read
When (fake) sociology & historiography are used to control the present.

My resource page on The Real Nazi History: corporate power behind Hitler…

@johnpilger @PiersRobinson1 @Ian56789 @NeilClark66 @markcurtis30 @freedomrideblog @medialens @FAIRmediawatch "Inherent in such [US] attempts [1940s] to police a world empire were two req.s: First, a widespr propaganda campaign to make empire appear benevolent, necessary, essent. democratic, inherently “American,” & therefore unquestionable in legitimate debate.…
Jan 21, 2019 15 tweets 7 min read
Graeber/W pitching Fukuyama all embrac. style ag Fukuyama: what's the point?

Both wanna descr THE World Hist as 1 devel 🤪; G/W go on as if we're to forget #sociology & its #capitalism insights incl. Capit means A+SOME! qual diff ways of org society #Marx #Durkheim #Foucault 2/
G/W explain inequality is dealth with regularly throughout hist: "Rather than idling in some primordial innocence, until the genie of inequality was somehow uncorked, our prehistoric ancestors seem to have successfully opened and shut the bottle on a regular basis..." Ok, fine
Jan 13, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
Did you enjoy Monbiot's piece?
I suggest, you re-read it. Yes, much truth in it, but (IMO) only to plant establishment version of reality conveying massive #powerlessness: Friedman/Hayek sensible, Keynes is out & no heterodox today. TINA in other words.… Gotta love how the people r blamed for this reality:
"Hedges remarks that “fascist movements build their base not from the politically active but the politically inactive, the ‘losers’ who feel, often correctly, they have no voice or role to play in the political establishment”.