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May 19th 2020
I hate Trump. All caps HATE with the fiery intensity of a star going supernova.

But I see that both #PresidentPlump and #TrumpMorbidlyObese are trending, and that makes me sad. Because body size is not something to shame anyone over, no matter who it is.

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We live in an environment designed to add body fat. Machines do our work for us, and high-calorie, highly palatable food can be delivered to your door in no time via a few clicks on your phone. The selling of calories is big business, you cannot escape the marketing onslaught.
Many consider high body fat as some kind of moral failing, but it's human nature. Evolution programmed us via natural selection to want to shove yummy food into our faces & not expend much energy. Obesity is not a choice that people make. It's often a default due to our genetics.
Read 9 tweets
May 19th 2020
In his continued, LOUD efforts to skirt blame for his Covid response fail, Trump sent a letter to WHO last night (& tweeted it) citing several criticisms of their handling the outbreak & warning that his funding freeze could be permanent
2-From Politico re Trump's letter: "President Donald Trump threatened to permanently end funding to the World Health Organization and reconsider the country’s membership in the global health body in a Monday letter criticizing the organization for its coronavirus response.
3-“The letter, which Trump publicly revealed in a tweet Monday evening and pinned to his Twitter account, listed a number of criticisms directed at the WHO concerning its initial response to the novel coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak in China.
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2020
وضعیت سه کشور امریکا، انگلیس و رژیم اشغالگر در مقابله با کشتی های ایرانی💪💪💪😉😉
USA, UK & Zionist situation against Iranian ships
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