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Aug 23rd 2020
For a few months now I have been uploading my #Protopia inspirations & thoughts to IG but will start sharing things also here @protopiafutures — please follow & RT if you want to see Sci Fi that expands beyond the outdated #Dystopia/#Utopia   binary…
It’s just the very beginning of sharing some of the future thoughts & imaginations I have been researching for years but I can only hope that these explorations will find an audience & could help shift the mainstream Sci Fi imagery discourse at least a notch. @protopiafutures 2/
As I’ve said years ago with my criticism re the direction Hollywood version of GITS took: we cannot continue being limited by the same Sci Fi tropes that always centers straight cishet able-bodies white western male imagination. That bucket is exhausted. Next! @protopiafutures 3/
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