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Apr 21st 2020
FLASHBACK: The protests the media and their masters support:

1) protests ginned up by the media based on their own fake news;

2) violent protests (shootings, looting, destruction of property);

3) protests violating curfews & a state of emergency

#ProtestLockdown #Narrative
Night of violence prompts state of emergency in Ferguson…
Sunday night's protests started peacefully, but then grew tense. Suddenly, dozens of gunshots. Even police chief Andre Anderson looked startled when he was interrupted mid-interview by gunshots.

Police say two groups of gunmen fired at each other.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
.@maddow is actually almost in tears while reporting that the NY Cathedral is opening up to treat corona patients.

And @maddow just used the numbers of hospitalizations in New York from April 2nd.

Shouldn’t ‘journalists’ use the most recent data?

#MSNBC #PurveyorsOfPropaganda
And apparently #MSNBS and @Maddow are trying to tell us that THIS is “breaking news:”
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
Yesterday, @ABCNews claimed that the DIA had warned the WH about the coronavirus outbreak in “late November.” The alleged report from the National Center for Medical Intelligence, based on “wire and computer intercepts, focused on the threat to US forces in the Asia theater.
There’s only one problem, the NCMI late yesterday. They’ve looked all over for this alleged document, and it doesn’t exist:
Read 17 tweets

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